Jewish life in Shanghai dates back to the beginning of the century, but virtually disappeared following World War II. Today there is an active Jewish community in Shanghai, China. Our community is comprised of international professionals, businessmen and entrepreneurs of various backgrounds and affiliations.

For the benefit of travelers, we welcome all Jewish guests and travelers to join our Shabbat services and strictly kosher meals under the supervision of Rabbi Shalom D. Greenberg, rabbi of Shanghai’s Jewish community and emissary of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement.

To service the large number of overseas travelers who are away from home over Shabbat, dinner and lunch are provided immediately following services in a communal setting. Delicious traditional Shabbat meals are served and enjoyed by the guests who find spending Shabbat with others a nice break from their heavy business week. There are no ‘take-away’ meals available. Reservations are required in advance and can be made online through our website This will help us prepare adequately for all our guest. The meal is FREE OF CHARGE.

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