Rabbi's NameRabbi Menachem Matusof
Orthodox Religious Traditional ValuesHasidic
Shacharit Sunday8:30am (also major holidays)
Shacharit Mon 7:00am
Shacharit Tues, Wed, Fri7:00am
Shacharit Rosh Chodesh7:00am
Mincha Weekdays7:00pm (check schedule, changes with season)
Maariv WeekdaysWinter: 7:00pm
Mincha Friday8:00pm
Shacharit Shabbat10:00am
Mincha ShabbatWinter: 6:00pm | Summer: 8:00pm
Motzei Shabbat Maariv At Nightfall

Daily Minyan and Synagogue Services at Chabad Lubavitch of Alberta

Minyan Alerts

Please check our Minyan Alerts website page for our Minyan alerts:

To assure a Minyan for a Yahrtzeit, or to arrange a special Minyan for Ma’ariv etc., please call Mr. Daniel Shimonov at 403-813-8770.

Community Mikvah

Under the auspices of the Calgary Jewish community Council
Under the supervision of Rabbi Menachem Matusof, Director of Chabad Lubavitch of Alberta


The Mikvah is located in the basement of Congregation House of Jacob Mikveh Israel.

About Chabad Lubavitch of Alberta

Established in 1988, Chabad Lubavitch of Alberta is dedicated to increasing the awareness, knowledge and observance of Judaism in the Province of Alberta.


Its purpose is to reach out to all Jews, regardless of age, affiliation or level of observance, and bring them closer to Judaism.


Chabad Lubavitch of Alberta extends a welcoming hand to all Jews. It has established contact with families in towns and cities lying well outside the established Jewish area. We overlook no one and will go anywhere to help another Jew. We have successfully stimulated Jewish activity in areas often overlooked by many.


Chabad Lubavitch of Alberta offers Jewish education, but more importantly, it offers the opportunity to experience first-hand the vitality and relevance of Judaism as it is lived today. Participants experience the joy and celebration, the intimacy and compassion, the wisdom and knowledge that is inherent in Jewish life and learning.


Chabad Lubavitch of Alberta is a full service organization responding to both the material and spiritual needs of the Alberta Jewish community. Through classes, counseling and celebrations, Chabad Lubavitch of Alberta will use whatever means necessary to bring the message of Judaism to children, teens, adults and the elderly.


Chabad Lubavitch of Alberta is an energetic and effective adversary to the forces of assimilation and intermarriage that threaten the Jewish community. To this end, we have touched the lives of thousands of Jews. As we expand our efforts, we intend to touch thousands more.


Chabad Lubavitch of Alberta gives people the opportunity to examine the foundation of their religion and to truly understand and experience the wellspring of Jewish life, tradition and culture. That wellspring is Judaism…unadulterated, unchanged, pure and true just like it was over 3300 years ago when the Jews stood at mount Sinai and received the Torah.


With real knowledge, individuals can make personal choices in an informed manner, based on truth…not interpretation or hearsay.


In a manner that is simultaneously intellectual and intimate, Chabad Lubavitch of Alberta addresses all facets of Judaism from the rational, everyday aspects of physical existence to the emotional and mystical core of religious experience.


Most importantly, Chabad Lubavitch of Alberta is experiential. Rabbi Matusof’s approach is to consistently combine the teaching of Torah with personal experience and to demonstrate the relevancy of Torah to everyday life.


While Jews are “People of the Book”, Jewish life is dynamic, vibrant and alive. It is fun and joyous. It provides comfort and support through life’s traumas and losses.


Rabbi Matusof shares this genuine feeling of Judaism through Shabbat and Holiday meals, at picnics or group gatherings, in private counseling and tutoring sessions where intimacy and trust are born and nurtured.

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