
We are a Modern Orthodox congregation with the first kosher Mechitza installed in a contemporary synagogue. Our T’fillot (prayers) are conducted in Hebrew, in the Nusach S’fard, using the ArtScroll siddur (prayer book). Our main sanctuary is… well, when you walk in, you feel that you are truly in the presence of G-d. Natural stone walls, beautiful stained glass windows, carved wood doors and hammered brass accents of the custom designed Ner Tamid (eternal light) and back-lit menorah fixtures are features of the sanctuary. As are the comfortable seats and the imposing Aron Kodesh (Ark) with its stained glass surround. Standing open during services, two huge doors on the Ark exterior, weighing 1500 pounds each, close to form the “Luchot” (tablets of the Ten Commandments).

The Bais Medrash (daily chapel) was the first in the United States to be dedicated to the memory of the six million Jews who perished in the Holocaust. Its six-wall configuration is constructed of the same natural materials as the main sanctuary.

The Congregation celebrated its 100th Anniversary in 1999. Under the guidance of Rabbi David Stavsky zt”l, Beth Jacob became recognized nationally as an innovator in development of Youth programming and adult education, a tradition that continues under the leadership of Rabbi Naphtali Weisz. The first “Religious Emphasis Week,” an adult program of study between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, was conducted here, as well as “Torah Day” for young people. Family Torah Retreats at state parks grew out of the acclaimed “Rebbe’s Tish,” a program featuring cholent, chassidik tales, zemirot, and “Ask the Rabbi” Halachic question-and-answer sessions. Our membership, of some three hundred plus families, consists of many Shomer Shabbos, Shomer Mitzvos families as well as those that are less observant. All are welcome!

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