Glatt A La Carte is a kosher meat restaurant in Boro Park, Brooklyn

Glatt A La Carte is a kosher meat restaurant in Boro Park, Brooklyn

We are updating our famous New York City Kosher Restaurant Guide.

You can see all restaurants on the map and each type of restaurant is coded on the kosher restaurant map with a special map marker.

map_pin_blue_redRed: Meat Kosher Restaurant


map_pin_blue_blueBlue: Dairy Kosher Restaurant


map_pin_blue_greenGreen: Parve Kosher Restaurant


Other food establishments in New York City are also listed including kosher bakeries, take out, kosher butchers, etc. Each with its own special icon on the map.

Is your favorite kosher restaurant listed? If not, please let us know! To visit to NYC Kosher Restaurant Guide, visit:

By Kosher Travel Info

Webmaster of the Kosher Travel Info website, a kosher travel directory, guide and blog. The Kosher Travel Info website has worldwide listings of Orthodox Minyan & Synagogues, Mikvah, Kosher Restaurants, Kosher Tours and Passover Resorts.

One response to “

New York City Kosher Restaurant Guide

  1. We keep on updating and adding more kosher restaurants to the NYC Kosher Restaurant Guide and Directory. Make sure your local favorite kosher restaurant in New York City is listed!


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