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All Passover Resorts and Pesach Hotels Are Now In One Category

In an effort to streamline our site and to reduce clutter, we are now removing all sub-categories for our Passover Resorts and Pesach Hotels listings.

Until now, we had the main category called “Passover Hotels”. This category had sub-categories for Passover Hotels USA, Passover Hotels Mexico, Passover Hotels Europe and so on. Each sub category also had sub categories of their own. For example, the Passover Hotels USA had sub categories called Passover Hotels Florida, Passover Hotels California, Passover Hotels Arizona and so on. While this was a very good way of organizing all our Pesach hotels and Pesach vacation packaging by geographical areas, it created to many sub categories and confused visitors sometimes in the search results where our system offers “Similar Categories”.

We are now in the process of moving all Passover Hotels and Resorts into the main Passover Hotels category. You will still be able to narrow down your Passover Hotel search by using the map and zooming in on your area. You can also use the default search on top of each page by entering Passover in the left search box and your location in the right hand box (i.e. California).

We will also add “Tags” based on the location of the Passover resort and list them all in the main Passover Hotels and Resorts page. So you will still be able to get listings just for the region you are looking for.

To go to the Passover Hotels and Resorts Directory, click here:

Passover Hotels and Resorts Guide and Directorya complete guide to Kosher for Pesach Hotels for 2014

To see all the Passover Hotels listings, click here:

Passover Hotels and Resorts Listingsgo directly to the Kosher for Passover Hotels Listings