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The Orthodox Jewish Community of Bangor, Maine

Bangor’s earliest Jewish roots date from the 1840’s. Over the past 170 years Jewish institutions in the city have experienced many changes. Currently, there are three active congregations representing Orthodox, Conservative and Reform Judaism. Kosher Travel Info only list Orthodox Synagogues, and as of now, we show one Jewish Orthodox Shul in Bangor.

We list below everything the Frum Jewish Kosher traveler needs in Bangor, Maine so that you can plan a Frum family or business vacation in and around Bangor. We include Orthodox Minyan information, kosher food, Mikvah and hotels near shuls. Many thanks to Beth Abraham Orthodox Synagogue and their highly respected Rabbi, Harav Yitzchok Isaac Yagod Shlit”a for making most of this information ready on their website.

You can also see all these listings and more directly in the “Main Jewish and Kosher Directory” right here on Kosher Travel Info. See button below.

 See Also:

Maine Jewish and Kosher Directory Maine Minyan Map

Minyan, Synagogue and Religious Services in Bangor

Beth Abraham Orthodox Synagogue

145 York Street
Bangor, Maine 04401
Phone 207-947-0876

Beth Abraham Orthodox Synagogue with its slogan “The only orthodox synagogue north of Portland” has steady Minyunim and prayer services. The Shul also has learning programs including adult and children programs. There is an active sisterhood, Yahrtzeit services and more.

The Rabbi of Beth Abraham is a very special person, Rabbi Yitzchok Isaac Yagod Shlit”a and can be contacted to learn more about kosher standards in the area. Check out the Shuls website for the rabbi’s contact info.

Mikvah in Bangor, Maine

The Bangor Mikva, which has been newly renovated, is under the supervision of Rabbi Yagod. The cost is $25.00 per use. Mikvah use is by appointment only. Contact 207-942-8093 for an appointment.

Kosher Foods in Bangor, Maine

As far as we know there are no kosher restaurants in Bangor, ME. So what do the Frum Jewish folks in Bangor eat? Where do they buy groceries? “Jews love to eat, and Baruch Hashem! The Jews of Bangor don’t go hungry”. This is a quote from Rabbi Yitzchok Isaac Yagod Shlit”a, the esteemed rabbi of Beth Abraham Orthodox Synagogue. The Synagogue has a list of local stores selling kosher food and some tips about Kashrut in Bangor. We try to list them below:

A note about kashrut: With the exception of the Beth Abraham Sisterhood meals, Beth Abraham Congregation does not warrant the kashrut standards of any of the products available in the stores listed below. Please consult Rabbi Yagod for additional information on the standards of kashrut in Bangor.

Kosher Shopping

(Many thanks and acknowledgments to Beth Abraham Orthodox Synagogue and their Rabbi from where most of this info was compiled).

Kosher food items can be found at both Hannaford and Shaw’s Supermarkets. Hannaford’s in Brewer and on Broadway in Bangor frequently stock frozen chickens and turkeys. Bangor Rye / Brick Oven Bakery sell fresh baked Kosher rolls, challahs and rye bread. Kosher wines and cheese can be found at the State Street Wine Cellar on State Street in Bangor. Kosher dinners are available for purchase, orders must be made in advance, from Congregation Beth Abraham Sisterhood. An assortment of cold cuts, chicken and beef can also be purchased through Beth Abraham’s Sisterhood, 145 York Street in Bangor. Details for all these follow right here below:

Beth Abraham Sisterhood

145 York Street
Bangor, Maine
To order a meal call 207-942-8093

The Sisterhood caters pre-made Shabbat dinners under the supervision of the Morah D’Atra, Rabbi Y.I. Yagod. The complete meal including grape juice, six rolls, a jar of gefilte fish, potato kugel, carrot kugel, 8 pieces of chicken and brownies costs only $100 and feeds four people generously. If you’re staying in a hotel over Shabbat, the Sisterhood can also provide “platot” (Shabbat food warmers or hot plates).

The Sisterhood also stocks a limited assortment of prepackaged cold cuts and cheese. Please check on availability in advanced.

Supermarkets with Kosher Sections

Most of the kosher food in Bangor is from the local supermarkets. They are:

Shaw’s Supermarket

353 Maine Street
Bangor, Maine

Shaw’s carries fresh Empire poultry products and occasionally Solomon’s beef. (Fresh deliveries usually arrive on Thursday.) They also have a nice selection of “heimishe“ dry goods in the international aisle, herring, lox chummusim and pickles in the delicatessen case, and Kiddush wine.

If you want to bake your own challah but don’t have the time, the Bakery Department at Shaws carries challah dough ready to pop in the oven. They also carry frozen bagels which you can be baked at home. Be sure to ask The Bakery staff for these special products as they are not self serve. The Bakery also has a nice assortment of kosher dairy pastries and cakes, be sure to ask for assistance as not all products are individually labeled.

Hannaford’s Supermarket

653 Broadway
Bangor, Maine

Hannaford’s carries some frozen poultry, some “heimishe” dry goods, and Kiddush wine. On Friday you can also get Challot in the bakery department under the supervision of the KVH/Va’ad of Boston.

Street Wine Cellar

195 State Street
Bangor, Maine

Street Wine Cellar is very tuned in to the needs of the Jewish patrons, and stocks a respectable selection of mevushal/non-mevushal wines. Shye also stock and assortment of cheddar cheese in several varieties under the supervision of the Kof-K. Kedem grape juice is also available.

The Natural Living Center

209 Longview Drive

This is the local health food store, and they offer a remarkable array of kosher food under various kashrut supervision that are unavailable anywhere else in town.