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L’Chaim’s Kosher restaurant & Kosher Food Delivery Service in Glasgow, Scotland


Kosher restaurant & Delivery in glasgow, Scotland

Scotland’s Premier Leading Supplier of Take Away / Delivered Meals/ L’Chaim’s Glatt

Sora’s Kosher Lunchtime Cafe

The ONLY Kosher Food Outlet in Scotland with FULLTIME – CONSTANT Kosher Kitchens Supervision

222 Fenwick Rd. Giffnock. Glasgow G46 6UE Scotland
Tel: (011 44 141) 0141 638 6116 / 07957 605 005
or 07971 502 601 Email:
Closed on Saturdays – When closed please leave a message

Open or Closed Scotland’s ONLY Glatt Kosher Restaurant & Kosher Caterer can always offer you our Glatt Kosher range of Gourmet Food Meals: Kosher Breakfasts, Kosher Lunches, Kosher Dinners & ALL Shabbos Kosher Food Meals too
We Deliver throughout Scotland
Our Kosher Catering Kitchens can supply Tailor Made –
bespoke Kosher meals to your specification

We use Kedassia & MH Kosher Shechita ONLY. Under the CONSTANT- Hashgocha-Personal Supervision of
Rabbi & Mrs Chaim Jacobs, the Lubavitch Rebbe’s shluchim for 46 years and the West of Scotland Kashrus Authority.

We (Rabbi Chaim & Mrs Sora Jacobs) PERSONALLY Supervise the kashrus of the restaurant to the same high standard we observe in our own home. We are Makpid on Bishul Yisroel and Bishul Akum at all times.

We can supply Kosher Meals Double Wrapped & Served on China to Any Hotel or Restaurant in Scotland.