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Young Israel of Aberdeen – Congregation Bet Tefilah

The Young Israel of Aberdeen – Congregation Bet Tefilah is an orthodox synagogue serving Greater Aberdeen. Led by Rabbi Chaim Z. Lobel, the Young Israel provides daily minyanim, classes, and special events. Additionally, Rabbi Lobel is available for personal consultations.

Rabbi Chaim Z. Lobel has been rabbinically ordained (Yoreh Yoreh, Yadin Yadin) by the Rabbinical Seminary of America, Yeshivas Rabbeinu Yisrael Meir Hakohen, in Queens, New York. Rabbi Lobel studied at Yeshivas Chofetz Chaim for ten years, including three years at the Kollel Ner Dovid and two years in the Jerusalem, Israel branch.

We have an active Sisterhood that sponsors and organizes social and educational events. The Sisterhood also raises funds to subsidize construction projects for the synagogue, such as the playground and garden.

The Young Israel also maintains the neighborhood Eruv and provides hospitality for all visitors.

Religous Services

Bar Mitzvah Lessons
The Young Israel of Aberdeen provides individualized instruction for boys approaching bar-mitzvah age, including Torah reading and basic Hazanut classes. For more information, please contact

Beginners Hebrew Classes
Classes include