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Yitzchak Wallerstein Mikvah – Mikvah Emunah Society of Greater Washington


According to our tradition, the most important institution in any community is not its shul and not its school. The most important institution is its mikvah. The mitzvot of mikvah and taharat hamishpacha are crucial to the Jewish community and our entire way of life.

The Mikvah Emunah Society of Greater Washington (M/ES) was established with the mission of promoting these vital mitzvot through the maintenance and development of mikvaot in our community.

Wallerstein Mikvah (Women Only)


Hours: Vary per month, please visit the website:

Kosher Supervision: Under the Guidance of Rabbi Dovid Rosenbaum of Young Israel Shomrai Emunah and Rabbi Bram Weinberg of Kemp Mill Synagogue


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