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Kollel Beth HaTalmud / Yehudah Fishman Institute

The Beis Medrash at Kollel Beth HaTalmud

Kollel Beth HaTalmud / Yehudah Fishman Institute was founded in 1981, and is the first overseas community kollel established by the Lakewood yeshiva under the direction of the legendary Torah leaders, Rabbi Shnuer Kotler and Rabbi Nosson Wachtfogel ZT”L.


The Kollel consists of a core group of scholars who are engaged in full-time study at an advanced level, who upon graduation assume leadership positions in the Jewish community, throughout Australia as well as abroad.


The Kollel is also an educational resource for the Australian community, for Jews of all backgrounds, ages and level of observance. Through innovative programs and classes, our goal is to help Jews connect to their rich spiritual heritage, by providing a positive Torah learning experience.


Please consider joining one of our programs. We are confident that you will find it spiritually uplifting, as well as an enjoyable experience.


The Beis Medrash

The Beis Medrash (study hall) is the focal point of the Kollel, where Torah is studied by young and old, day and night.


The Kollel regularly engages World Jewry’s leading Torah educators to visit our shores on speaking tours. These lectures and seminars led by world class personalities have introduced thousands of people to a deeper understanding of Judaism.

Community Education

The Kollel offers free evening adult education classes, children classes, and private tutorials to the broader community.

Youth Programmes

Pirchim, the Kollel’s children division, makes Torah Judaism an exciting experience, by organizing outings, camping trips, contests, and more. It’s immensely popular Purim programme and Avos Ubonim (Father and sons learning) program, presents fathers the opportunity to share quality time with their children, in a pleasant and enriching manner.

Professional Leadership Programme (PLP)

The Professional Leadership Programme offers university students the opportunity to develop their leadership potential through an authentic Jewish learning experience.