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Kehillas Torah

There are 75,000 Jews in San Diego yet only a handful of synagogues. Thousands of Jews yearn for Jewish knowledge and tradition yet they feel it is inaccessible to them. For so many people, the synagogue experience is a brick wall keeping them away from G-d, rather than bringing them closer to G-d. They encounter chanting which they cannot follow, prayers which they cannot understand and rituals which they cannot begin to relate to.

Congregation Kehillas Torah was founded by Rabbi Baruch Lederman, to answer these critical challenges. To present a service that is true to tradition so that the most experienced shul goer could appreciate it, yet is fully understandable so that the English speaking beginner can be inspired. We have created a service where you can walk out feeling educated not intimidated, connected not confounded.

Kehillas Torah is a warm, friendly, stimulating environment. People here care about each other and about the community at large. There are a lot of kids here too, and they have a lot of fun at our services and events. But beyond that, it is a place where everyone is bound by a common desire to learn, love and live Torah. We have a great time together because we grow together and that makes us a family.

Kehillas Torah is a proud affiliate of Rabbinical Seminary of America (Yeshiva Chofetz Chaim), Kew Garden Hills, New York, and carries on the Yeshiva’s long standing tradition of iyun (in-depth analysis), harbotzas Torah (dissemination of Torah) and Slobodka Mussar (ethical introspection and character development).