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Chabad Lubavitch of South Orlando


Weekday Minyan in Orlando

Services are held at The Center of Jewish Life – Chabad of South Orlando | 7347 W Sand Lake Rd, Orlando, FL 32819


8 am EST Monday through Friday
(During the weeks of Yeshiva Winter Vacation, we also will hold an add’l 7:00am Minyan)

8:15 am EST on Sundays

Mincha & Maariv

10 minutes before sunset

Friday Night Kabbalat Shabbat

Friday Evening Service: 8 min after candle lighting

Shabbat Morning Prayers

9:30 am EST on Saturdays

Chabad of South Orlando is proud to host a Shul (Synagogue), which has a warm family atmosphere for people to daven / pray. This is a Shul where the people are truly happy to see you when you come. This is an Orlando Shul for anyone, regardless their level of observance, knowledge or background. One does not have to be religious, Orthodox, Conservative or Reform to join us at the synagogue, just Jewish!

This is a Shul without pressure. Come and go as you please. We often say; “We take it to heart when you come, we don’t take it to heart, when you don’t.”

We offer weekday minyan services, Shabbat and Holiday services, and at times even an additional Sefardic Style service at our shul in Orlando. We have Hebrew English Siddurim (prayer books), and at times read certain prayers in English.

People who have “Yahrtzeit”, anniversary of a loved one’s passing, are always welcome to come and recite the Kaddish.