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Bistro at Canyons in Park City, Utah


Bistro at the Canyons is a Kosher Restaurant located in the lobby of the Silverado Lodge at the Canyons Ski Resort in Park City, Utah.

Bistro describes itself as “the first glatt kosher restaurant in the nation that is open in a ski resort all winter long”

The restaurant plans to be open for the main skiing season each year – from Thanksgiving until Passover.


Bistro offers daily dinner meals, with options for fixed-price Shabbos meals as well.

Reservations for Shabbat meals require 36 hours advance notice.

Chalav Yisroel breakfast meals can be ordered in “to go” boxes the night before.


Boxed Lunches will be available in several locations around the resort.


There is a shul located near the restaurant with guaranteed minyanim during winter weekends.