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Birchos Yosef Nikolsburg

Aron Kodesh, The Holy Ark. Image Copyright

The Nikolsburg Shul has become a center for Torah and Devine Service for the broader Monsey community. The beautiful, spacious building resounds with sounds of Torah study and prayer at all hours of the day and night, and is also the site of the uplifting tishen that draw hundreds of guests every Shabbos, Yom Tov or Special occasion.

The Nikolsburg Community

Nikolsburg is the name of an ancient city in the Czech Republic. One of the early leaders of the Chassidic movement, the saintly Torah giant Rabbi Shmuel Shmelke Horowitz (1726-1778), spread his light from this city in the eighteenth century. He also served as the Chief Rabbi of Moravia.

The Grand Rebbe of Nikolsburg, Rabbi Yosef Yechiel Mechel Lebovits, is a descendant of the saintly Rebbe Shmelke, and therefore his Chassidic community bears the name of the city where its founding father had lived.

The current Nikolsburg community is an inspiration to behold. A mere several decades since its reestablishment on American soil, Nikolsburg is today a center of Torah, Divine service and acts of Chesed on a continuous basis. Its very name has become synonymous with the three pillars on which the community stands: Ahavas Hashem, Ahavas Torah and Ahavas Yisroel.

The Nikolsburg Rebbe Shlit”a

The Rebbe was raised in the loving home of his noble parents, Rabbi Baruch Yehuda and Yentel Lebovits, of blessed memory. His father, an exceptional personality in his own right, was instrumental in saving many Jews during the Holocaust, and he valiantly helped revive Jewish life after that terrible period of destruction.

The Rebbe