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Beth Israel Synagogue of Halifax

The Beth Israel Synagogue in Nova Scotia currently has a vibrant membership of approximately 180 families, with the only daily Minyan east of Montreal, as well as regular classes and services for a growing Community.

We are a full service Modern Orthodox Synagogue serving the greater Halifax community. Our community has a beautiful Orthodox Synagogue, Eruv, Mikvah, Chevra Kadisha and Cemetery.

Daily Minyan

The Beth Israel Synagogue has the only daily minyan east of Montreal. Please feel free to come and join us at Minyan times.

We’re a group of dedicated members who get together to encourage attendance and foster a sense of family and community at daily minyan in order to fulfill the important mitzvah of helping others say kaddish.


On Friday, January 2, 1998, former Rabbi Saul Aranov, officially approved the Eruv for Halifax after his inspection. Rabbi Grunstein further checked the Eruv upon arrival in the city, and with minor adjustments, officially authorized the Eruv in August of 2003.

An Eruv encompasses a designated area around the city. It is established by the use of existing electric wires and poles, which are symbolically like gates all around the designated area, that is regarded as one physical domain. This enables Jews to traverse the designated area with their childrens