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Bamboo Garden


In the tradition of Chinese vegetarian cuisine, we are pleased to offer tantalizing dishes whose origins go back thousands of years to China’s early imperial dynasties. Before making his annual prayer for the kingdom’s prosperity, the emperor was required to practice strict vegetarianism for seven weeks. The royal court’s skilled chef created extraordinary vegetarian recipes, with the appearance, texture, and taste of the emperor’s favorite meat, poultry, and seafood dishes.
We are pleased to offer you the same skilled techniques, exotic seasoning, and ingredients enjoyed by Chinese royalty. The Bamboo Garden shares the tradition of healthful delicacies with the finest and freshest ingredients. Our staff has recreated the authentic recipes and tastes that were once served exclusively at the royal court.

All “meat”, “poultry”, and “seafood”, menu items are made from vegetable protein products and 100% vegetable oil. All dishes have no cholesterol. Ask your server for special dietary needs requiring special preparation, including no salt, no oil, no sugar, or other restrictions.

“We Are Kosher” – Certified Kosher by Va’ad Harabanim of Greater Seattle. For more information call (206) 760-0805.