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Bais Hamedrish Mayanei HaYeshua

A very special heimishe shul with a very special Rav.

The Rav Shlit”a gives a shiur every evening in Yora Deah B’ starting at 8:30PM. The shiur is comcluded with 5 to 10 minutes in Choves Halvuves. Ma’ariv daily at 9:30PM.

Shabbos morning the Rav gives a Shiur in Orach Chaim at 8:30AM till 9:00AM.

Shiur in Halacha Shabbos afternoon starts 1 hour before Mincha (followed by Pirkei Avos in the summer).

The Shul has a fully stocked assortment of all types of seforim including Halacha, Shas, Musar and more.