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Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada Jewish Kosher Community

Did you know? Halifax, Nova Scotia has a Jewish Orthodox Community! And they have Minyan 3 times a day at their beautiful community synagogue “Beth Israel Synagogue”.

So for all of you who are looking for the only Minyan in Canada east of Montreal, visit Beth Israel Synagogue. We updated their listing recently right here on Kosher Travel Info.

To make it easier for our readers, we compiled some information here for the Jewish kosher traveler in the area of Nova Scotia in Canada:

All information provided by Beth Israel Synagogue:

 Sorry, but there are no Kosher restaurants in the Halifax, Nova Scotia area


Stone Hearth Bakery

7071 Bayers Road
Suite LL05
Halifax, Nova Scotia
B3L 2C2
Phone: (902) 454-2851
Fax: (902) 454-2881

This is our local bakery under the strict supervision of Rabbi Amram Maccabi (HK). All Stone Hearth products are Kosher Pareve. The breads, rolls and bagels are “Pat Palter”. Their products are also available in the local grocery stores, e.g. Sobeys.

Ben’s Bakery

The following products, produced in the Halifax and Moncton plants, are under the Kosher Supervision of the KOF-K although their marking does not appear on the packaging.


Canada Bread Company products baked in the Halifax Plant should have HX stamped on the plastic fastener; products baked in the Moncton Plant should have MO stamped on the plastic fastener; however, sometimes the HX or MO are inadvertently cut out by machinery.

There is also an “inkjet code” printed on each bag. The code for the Halifax Plant is 02 and the code for the Moncton Plant is 05.


Pete’s Frootique
Halifax Store
1515 Dresden Row,
Halifax, Nova Scotia
(902) 425-5700

Sweet challahs and rolls from Montreal Kosher bakery arrive in the stores each Friday night and they are immediately frozen. These frozen products are available any day of the week at the deli counter or on the shelves on Thursday and Friday.



A selection of kosher wines can be found at the following locations:

Bishop’s Cellar
1479 Lower Water Street,
Halifax, Nova Scotia
(902) 490-2675

Port of Wines
5431 Doyle Street
Halifax, Nova Scotia
(902) 422-0680

Nova Scotia Liquor Commission (NSLC)
Yarden Mount Hermon White, a Sauvignon Blanc from Israel, is available at these NSLC stores.
Manischewitz Kosher Concord Red, light & fruity from the USA, is available at these NSLC stores.
NSLC at 3601 Joseph Howe Drive carries sweet kosher wine.

Sobeys on Queen Street carries Manischewitz sweet wine.
Quinpool Market Superstore carries a wider selection of wines.

Grape Juice is usually available at Sobeys on Queen Street.



All fresh salmon can be purchased either whole or in fillets.
Smoked salmon (lox) requires a hechsher.
All other kosher fishes can be purchased filleted with a hechscher, as a whole, raw fish with skin on, or as raw fillets with skin on one side.



A selection of hard cheeses is sometimes available at Sobeys on Queen Street.
Soft cheeses (goat, ricotta and cottage) are available at Sobeys and Superstore in the health food sections as well as at Pete’s Frootique. Creamed cottage cheese (4 x 113g) is available at Superstore under the No Name label and Nordica Brand.









The following stores have selections of kosher products in specially marked Kosher sections and/or other items marked kosher on the regular grocery shelves:

Quinpool Market Superstore
6139 Quinpool Road
(902) 425-1498
This store carries some kosher dairy products, breads, baked goods, packaged dry goods. Many of their house brand products such as cookies, carbonated beverages, pastas etc., bearing the labels “President’s Choice”, “Blue Menu”, “No Name” and “PC Organics” are kosher under various recognized supervisions. There is also a Nova Scotia Liquor Commission Store in the same plaza that carries kosher wine.

Barrington Market Superstore
1075 Barrington Street
(902) 492-3240
This location carries some kosher dairy products, breads, baked goods and packaged dry goods, Many of their house brand products such as cookies, carbonated beverages, pastas etc., bearing the labels “President’s Choice”, “Blue Menu”, “No Name” and “PC Organics” are kosher under various recognized supervisions.

Sobeys on Queen Street
1120 Queen Street
(902) 422-9884
This store carries some kosher dairy products, packaged dry goods, breads and baked goods, deli products, frozen raw poultry and beef and raw fish. Many of the house brands under the “Our Compliments” and “Smart Choice” labels are kosher under various recognized supervisions. The in-store liquor store carries Manishchewitz wine.

Pete’s Frootique
Bedford Store
1595 Bedford Highway, Sunnyside Mall
Bedford, Nova Scotia
(902) 835-4997

Halifax Store
1515 Dresden Row,
Halifax, Nova Scotia
(902) 425-570
Pete’s has a small selection of kosher dry goods and dairy products, such as yogurt, and soft cheese.

230 Chain Lake Dr
Halifax, NS B3S 1C5
(902) 876-7788

137 Countryview Dr
Dartmouth, NS B3B 0E7
(902) 481-7635

Costco has a good selection of kosher cookies, crackers, granola bars, cereals, herring, cream cheese, hummus, chips, popcorn, fresh vegetables and fruits, and other food.


Chabad-Lubavitch of the Maritimes
Rabbi Mendel and Bassie Feldman

1171 Waterloo Street
Halifax, NS B3H 3L6
Phone: (902) 422-4222
Chabad will prepare kosher meals for you with advance notice. All food is Cholov Yisrael and Pat Yisrael.