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The Young Israel of Greater Buffalo

The Young Israel of Greater Buffalo

The Young Israel of Greater Buffalo has brought Torah-true Judaism to Western New York and Buffalo for over 25 years. Our congregation is a diverse mix of native Buffalonians and transplants, FFBs and baalei t’shuvah.


Located on Maple Road in the northern suburb of Williamsville and minutes from the main campus of the State University of New York at Buffalo, we are a convenient stopping point for travelers from New York City and Toronto, especially during the summer months, when our proximity to Niagara Falls and Niagara-on-the-Lake is a big draw.


We are a growing community with much to be proud of: a beautiful building, our beloved and learned young Rabbi, and an atmosphere of friendship and community that larger congregations can’t match.


In addition to our services, we have all of the amenities of a larger shul. We support three daily and Shabbat minyanim, evening classes for men and women, Shabbat classes during the long afternoons of spring and summer, and communal luncheons and other special programs for many of the holidays.


Full contact info:

The Young Israel of Greater Buffalo

105 Maple Road
Williamsville, New York 14221

FOR GPS: 105 Maple Road
Buffalo, New York 14221