About Us

Ohr Hatorah was founded on Yom Kippur 5767 (2007) in Phoenix, Arizona by a group of people dedicated to creating a Shul that focused on the personal growth of each individual member.

Our Mission is to build a warm, welcoming Orthodox Shul in North Central Phoenix, a spiritual home to families, children, and all Jews,regardless of their level of knowledge or observance; a Makom Torah which encourages and fosters a yearning for personal and communal growth; a place where families & children experience the joy of Torah and Mitzvos. Our Posek is Rabbi Zvi Holland, Rosh Kollel. In addition classes are given by Rabbi Yakov Bronsteyn, Rabbi Raphael Landesman, Rabbi Elimelech Adler, and Rabbi Dov Finman

Ohr Hatorah – A Shul for Everyone

Ohr Hatorah (OHT for short) is a open, warm, welcoming Orthodox Shul in North Central Phoenix, Arizona, a spiritual home to families, children, and all Jews, regardless of their level of knowledge or observance; a Makom Torah which encourages and fosters a yearning for personal and communal growth; a place where families & children experience the joy of Torah and Mitzvos.

A Community of Learning Torah, Living Torah and Loving Torah

OHT is a unique shul with a strong emphasis on personal growth, community warmth and experiencing the Joy of Torah. Davening

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