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Congregation Kadimah-Toras Moshe


Congregation Kadimah-Toras Moshe was Brighton’s first Orthodox synagogue organized in 1941. It was first known as Congregation Kadimah and later merged with Congregation Toras Moshe of Roxbury in 1960.

There are 120 families affiliated with the synagogue. Shiurim in Chumash and Talmud as well as other cultural topics are conducted weekly. A youth program for children is held every Shabbos morning, for toddlers until Bar Mitzvah. The Congregation maintains an active Sisterhood. A Family Group organizes programs for the children on a year round basis.

Members of the KTM Community live in the areas of Boston known as Allston and Brighton; in Brookline; and Newton. We are also not a terrible walk from Cambridge. KTM is located at 113 Washington St. in Brighton, right off Commonwealth Avenue.

Brighton is a diverse community, including a large population of students from local colleges Boston University, Boston College, and others; families; and single young professionals. It is home to a large population of Orthodox Jews, as well as Conservative, Reform, and not-formally-affiliated Jews. There is also a large Roman Catholic community in the area. Ethnic groups in the immediate area of KTM include Hispanic (Brazilian), Asian, and Russian, though Brighton is ethnically diverse across its whole area.

Greater Boston Community Eruv

Congregation Kadimah-Toras Moshe is within the Greater Boston Community Eruv, which covers much of Allston, Brighton, and Brookline. See the eruv web site for map and status. The eruv can also be checked erev shabbas by phone at 781-446-9797.


The Daughters of Israel Mikvah is a recently-renovated, comfortable, mikvah for women observing the laws of taharat ha-mishpacha (family purity) and is open for immersion nightly (erev shabbas and erev yom tov by appointment; closed Yom Kippur and Tisha B’Av). Please try to call at least 24 hours in advance to help minimize waiting. It is located at 101 Washington St., Brighton, directly adjacent to Congregation Kadimah-Toras Moshe. Call 617-782-9433 for hours applicable to your week for immersion, or for appointments. The mikvah supplies everything you will need for immersion, including towels, robes, and toiletries in the preparation rooms. Preparation rooms include either showers-only or full baths; please let the attendant know what you will need when you arrive. The Daughters of Israel Mikvah is under the supervision of the Bostoner Rebbe. Pre-wedding immersions for brides are arranged by appointment; call the mikvah at 617-782-9433 and leave a message to arrange a time.

The Beth Pinchas Mikvah (for men) is located at 1710 Beacon St, Brookline, 617-566-9182. The Daughters of Israel Mikvah also holds special daytime hours for men’s immersion prior to the major holy days.

Tevilat Keilim

The Daughters of Israel Mikvah, 101 Washington St., Brighton, has a dish mikvah open every Sunday (excepting yom tov; extended hours pre-Pesach) from 10 am – 12 pm. There is no need to call in advance to use the dish mikvah. Call 617-782-9433 for more information or to find out the extended pre-Pesach hours.