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Congregation Dor Tikvah


Congregation Dor Tikvah holds daily religious services on the Charleston JCC Campus at 1645 Raoul Wallenberg Boulevard Charleston, SC 29407.

Congregation Dor Tikvah (Generation of Hope) is a new, vibrant, and growing Modern Orthodox congregation located in the West Ashley suburbs of Charleston, South Carolina.

Our congregation was established in 2006 as a Shabbat and Yom Tov minyan, and was officially incorporated in June 2012. Congregation Dor Tikvah is comprised of enthusiastic members in various stages of their religious journey. Although we cater to both young and old, we have a very special love for children, who are the future of our congregation and community.

Congregation Dor Tikvah currently meets on the Charleston Jewish Community Center campus, which is within the eruv, and maintains kosher kitchen facilities.

The Congregation welcomes and is open to all Jews regardless of their affiliation.