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Beth Israel Congregation

Founded as a congregation in 1908 and in its own synagogue since 1910, Beth Israel in historic Kingston, Ontario, Canada, is a vibrant and caring Jewish community made up of 150 families.

Following the rituals of contemporary Orthodox Judaism, Beth Israel offers a Talmud Torah and social programs for its youth, varied education programs for its adults, and a full suite of Shabbat and holiday services. It undertakes a number of social action initiatives throughout the year.

The centrally-located synagogue includes a beautiful sanctuary, two social halls, kosher kitchen, and a mikvah. Beth Israel also owns a cemetery and Otterburn House, a heritage building that is home to Hillel House of Queen’s University. The Congregation has a particularly strong relationship with the Queen’s Jewish student community.

Being located between Toronto and Montreal and just two hours drive from Ottawa and Syracuse, New York, Beth Israel welcomes wayfarers throughout the year.

Experience what Kingston and Beth Israel have to offer

If you are travelling in the Montreal-Ottawa-Toronto corridor, consider stopping in Kingston and visiting our shul. Kingston is a wonderful place to hold a family reunion or meeting, and at the same time enjoy the beauty of the Thousand Islands and learn more about the history of Canada.

Kingston is located at the confluence of Lake Ontario, the St. Lawrence River, and the Cataraqui River, and is connected to Ottawa by the Rideau Canal system. It sits halfway between Toronto and Montreal and Ottawa and Syracuse, New York. There are daily air connections to Toronto and substantial rail and bus connections to many points throughout Ontario.

Join our extended family

Beth Israel prides itself in being a welcoming contemporary Orthodox congregation in which members enjoy meaningful events and are encouraged to participate in the true spirit of Jewish community experience and worship. If you are a Jewish resident of Southeast Ontario and are looking for such a community of like-minded souls, consider the following reasons to join Beth Israel Congregation:

1. A superb Talmud Torah. We have a committed cadre of teachers, led by Rabbi Elkin, who create a fun and stimulating learning environment for all children, backed up by a rollicking Youth Group led by Queen’s students.

2. Mind-expanding opportunities. We share Kingston with two exceptional institutions of higher learning: Queen’s University and Royal Military College. We draw on Queen’s and its Jewish Studies Program as well as RMC for guest speakers, and work together to bring in scholars, political leaders, and luminaries such as Elie Wiesel.

3. Support for your life-cycle events. From baby namings/brit milahs and bar/bat mitzvahs to wedding and funerals, Beth Israel is where you can come to mark all your meaningful milestones and be supported by fellow members.

4. A flexible dues structure. Beth Israel offers a self-assessment dues structure that can be tailored to any financial situation.

5. A sense of purpose. Where Jewish communities in small town Canada are struggling to survive, Kingston’s Jewish community is thriving. That’s largely due to a high degree of engagement and commitment and a tolerance for differences. Every single person has a role in sustaining one of Ontario’s most remarkable Jewish communities.

Want to know more? Please contact Membership Chair Michele Casey by sending an email message to Beth Israel with the subject line: Membership/Michele Casey.

If time and opportunity permit, we warmly encourage you join us at Friday night or Saturday morning service and Kiddush. We look forward to welcoming you to Beth Israel.

Ritual Life


Beth Israel is pleased to welcome everyone to our religious services. The services are based on the Orthodox liturgy and ritual, and are led by Rabbi Elkin and members of the congregation. Kabbalat Shabbat services are held every Friday evening at 6 p.m. (7 p.m. during the late Spring and Summer) and Shabbat services are held Saturday morning, beginning at 9:00 a.m. and ending at noon. A typical Shabbat service may feaure a sermon by the rabbi, a dvar Torah by a member of the comunity, a baby naming ceremony, or a sponsored congregational kiddush to celebrate a family simcha. Services are held as well for all Jewish festivals and holidays. Rosh Hashannah and Yom Kippur are the only times when guest fees apply.


The only mikveh in Southeast Ontario is located within Beth Israel. Anyone who needs to use the mikvah is asked to phone the synagogue at least 48 hours before it is require it. A private doorway at the rear of the building can be used to enter and exit the mikveh.


The Beth Israel cemetery, which follows the Orthodox tradition, has existed since the late 1800s. It is located on Sydenham Road, across the street from the Ontario Hydro offices and between Highway 401 and Princess St. The congregation’s volunteer Chevra Kadisha ensures the deceased are prepared according to Orthodox tradition for internment in Beth Israel’s cemetery. For more information, contact Laurence Marans.

For directions to the cemetery, please refer to this map.


Rabbi Elkin ably officiates baby naming ceremonies, bar/bat mitzvahs, weddings, and funerals. Bar and bat mitzvah youth are taught by the Rabbi or Jewish students from Queen’s University over the period of one year. and many are able to lead large portions of the service as well as read from the Torah and chant the haftorah.

A letter from Kingston Mayor Harvey Rosen

Greetings! I want to invite you to join Beth Israel Congregation.

I am the Mayor of the City of Kingston, Past President of Beth Israel and an active member of the congregation.

My family has been dedicated and involved in Beth Israel and Kingston for many decades, balancing religious and civic participation.

From my perspective, the Beth Israel family will provide you with meaningful and rewarding friendships, excellent Hebrew education for school-age children, adult enrichment and an opportunity to share in a modern orthodox environment that is both traditional and diversified.

Beth Israel has a well-established reputation as a welcome gathering place for individual and family participation in the experience of Jewish life cycle events and social activities. The Synagogue has made significant contributions to the historical development of Kingston with an anticipated 100th Anniversary Celebration in 2010.

It is my hope that you will consider membership in Beth Israel.

Harvey Rosen
Mayor, City of Kingston


Documented Jewish presence in Kingston dates from the middle of the 19th century. Among the earliest arrivals were the brothers Joseph and Abraham Nordheimer who later moved to Toronto. They remain known among pianists and musicians for promoting music and producing the high quality Nordheimer pianos.

Simon Oberndorffer came to Kingston, via New York, in 1857. He started a cigar factory and became one of the main founders of the Orthodox Beth Israel Congregation in 1908.

Until 1960, the vast majority of the congregants were merchants or businessmen from Central and Eastern Europe.

During the 1960’s, however, the expansion of Canadian universities attracted numerous Jewish academics to Queen’s University at Kingston. Within a short fifteen years, Beth Israel’s composition changed to a bimodal membership: the old-timers/merchants and the newcomers/academics-professionals. In 1975, the strain of accommodating to such a rapid and drastic change brought about the split of the membership into the Orthodox Beth Israel Congregation and Iyr-Ha-Melech, the Reform Congregation.

Today, Beth Israel remains an umbrella synagogue which accommodates members whose actual orientations range from Agnostic to Orthodox.

Contact Us

116 Centre Street
Kingston, ON Canada
K7L 4E6

Voice: (613) 542-5012
Fax: (613) 542-9071