In 1970, Sherith Israel and Sherith Jacob joined the three synagogues that had merged into Warrensville Center Synagogue. The total grew to eight in 1972 when Ohel Jacob, Ohel Yavne and Tifereth Israel, which had previously merged as Shaker-Lee in 1959, voted to become equal partners.
For many years, the combined congregation also had been home to a number of Holocaust survivors who brought their own traditions, adding flavor to the synagogue family.
In 1990, following the death of Rabbi Jacob Muskin who had served the Shul for 40 years, the synagogue adopted the name Kehillat Yaakov. The name was chosen in recognition of Rabbi Muskin’s ability to unify all the component congregations who had individual but not one unifying Hebrew name. “Kehillat” means “Congregation” and “Yaakov” is Hebrew for “Jacob.”
With the help of G-d and the cooperation of all our members and friends, by summer 2006 we shall be able to worship together at the newest home of Kehillat Yaakov – the Cedar Road Synagogue.